
[Statement] 武装蜂起記念日に際しての駐日大使館による声明


※English below

Struggle Characterized by Optimism and Confidence 1881年から1941年までの間、イタリアはエリトリアを植民地としていました。エリトリアの地において、イタリア軍が連合軍に敗れ、降参した後に、エリトリアは1941年から1952年の間、イギリスの軍政下におかれます。イタリア植民地(エリトリア)の処遇を任された国際連合は、エリトリアの人々の自決権および独立の権利を無視して、エチオピアとの政治的連邦制を決定し、この決定は1952年9月15日に発効しました。連合軍は、エリトリアを銀の皿にのせてエチオピアに捧げたのでした。





Italy colonized Eritrea from 1881 to 1941. After the Italian army was defeated and surrendered to the allied forces in Eritrea, the country was put under the administration of the British military protectorate from 1941 to 1952. UN tasked with the disposition of the Italian colony (Eritrea) decided on a federal political arrangement with Ethiopia ignoring the right of the Eritrean people to self determination and independence, which became effective September 15,1952. Hence, the allied forces gave Eritrea on a silver plate to Ethiopia.

Following this decision, Ethiopian army and security invaded Eritrea, decreed a preventive emergency law, arrested and assassinated political and community leaders, shut down independent publications and press, banned trade unions, student associations, political parties, replaced the Eritrean flag with that of Ethiopia, banned the use of indigenous languages in any official use and schools, burned text books which were written in local languages, seized and expropriated Eritrea's revenue sources like airport, port, railways, customs, relocated manufacturing plants to Ethiopia, dissolved by force the Eritrean Parliament and annexed officially Eritrea to Ethiopia taking it's political status to a provincial administration in November 14, 1962.

The Eritrean heroic opposition, exhausting all means of peaceful political struggle for a decade long, against all the injustices mentioned above and for the right of the people of Eritrea to self-determination and independence was qualitatively transformed into a full armed and political struggle in September 1, 1961. To commemorate this historic episode and development September 1 is celebrated in Eritrea at a national and local level as a public holiday.

Ethiopia and its allies forces were defeated after 30 years of a heroic armed and political struggle on May 24, 1991. Referendum was held under the supervision of UN, Organization of the African Unity, the Arab League, the Non-aligned Movement and representatives of many countries. When the ballot box were tallied, 99.8 percent of the Eritrean people voted for independence on May 24, 1993. Hence Eritrea was given by its heroic sons and daughters on a silver plate of a ballot box back to it's own people. A historic bench mark for the future of peace in the Horn of Africa was finally put in place.

Embassy of the State of Eritrea to Japan
September 1, 2011


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