
国際理解教育教材『私たちの地球と未来 エリトリア国』


※English below

sample 1 sample 2

このたび、愛知県国際交流協会によりエリトリアを紹介する小中学生用の国際理解教育教材『私たちの地球と未来 エリトリア国』が作成されました。同協会では、2005年の愛知万博「一市町村一国フレンドシップ事業」を契機として、公式参加国を紹介する教材を作成し続けてきており、今年度はエリトリアの教材が作成されました。愛知万博においてはエリトリア国も犬山市をホームシティとして一市町村一国フレンドシップ事業に参加しました。



『私たちの地球と未来 エリトリア国』の電子版はこちら


公開書簡 2011年10月17日 堀川絵美様ならびに教材作成チームのみなさま



Ms Emi Horikawa and team
Aichi International Association
Aichi Prefectural Government
3-1-2 Sannomaru, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-8501
Phone: 052-961-2111

Date: 17 October 2011

Open letter to Aichi International Association and the team for the textbook

Dear Ms Horikawa,

I am delighted to extend to you my sincere gratitude and appreciation for your successful production of a simplified social studies textbook focused on Eritrea, first of its kind, and for making it available and launching it on the Internet in Japanese language on October 2011.

A beautiful title indeed: “To know the world, to learn from the world - our earth and its future - the State of Eritrea”.

This textbook walks its readers in the most appropriate manner, professionally fit for novice and young student of social studies, on a comfortable journey of history of Eritrea and the region flagging on the path: the strategic importance of the country by discovering the hidden charm and geography of the country, similarity and difference between Japan and Eritrea local folks’ culture, education, social and economic livelihood,  the march of time and challenges faced to build a nation called Eritrea in the past and present and future significance of Eritrea.

I can assure you that you have set up a benchmark and an inspiration for an important need for similar homework to be accomplished by all Diaspora and friends of Eritrea and Africa, especially the educators - spread all over the world in different countries - by this wonderful initiative you took through this book to extend and deepen the cultural dialogue in this planet.

Thank you again for sharing with us your wisdom;

Yours truly,
ESTIFANOS Afeworki, Ambassador

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